Thursday 29 January 2015

iPads and Technology - Cycle 2, TLC1

For the second cycle, as mentioned by Mr Bulmer in our previous blog, we wanted to build on the collaboration and enthusiasm created during the first cycle. The quality of the presentations in TLC3 highlighted for both of us the hard work which had gone on, right from the start of the year. 

That said, we wanted to ensure that we included even more opportunities to test new ideas, discuss the benefits and drawbacks of technology in the classroom, and promote an atmosphere of self-evaluation. We have also discussed the need to highlight the impact of the work done on TLCs to each teacher's classroom practice, and the effect this has on the students. 

As before, we started by reading some blogs, using QR codes, and then feeding back on an app called Baiboard. This activity allowed participants to use technology and reflect on its effectiveness. The conversation in my TLC also considered where QR codes and an app like Baiboard could fit into a lesson and have a positive impact on the learning. 
Below are some examples of Baiboard responses from both TLC groups:

Another discussion which built on the last cycle centred around the necessity of staff understanding how to effectively use technology in the classroom. Linked with this, Mr Bulmer and I believe that greater involvement from the Digital Leaders would help to create a more supportive atmosphere when it comes to using iPads and other technology in the classroom. 

Finally, teachers developed targets to achieve before the next TLC, this time directly considering how a particular app or technology would affect teaching and learning. Some of the targets can be seen below:

With the focus in teaching being more and more on how particular activities and lessons impact student learning, the focus for these TLCs intends to mirror this. In TLC2, Mark and I plan to further consider ways to highlight and reflect on the impact of technology in the classroom, and share techniques for doing this with our groups. In particular, I will be asking teachers in my TLC to further develop their targets and include an evaluation of the intended impact on student learning. 

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