Sunday 20 September 2015

TLC 1: Growth Mindset

TLC 1: Growth Mindset

TLC 1 got off to a great start with staff figuring out their own mindset through the 20 question quiz and self-scoring.  This helped to introduce the concept of the growth mindset. 

After watching a video in which Carol Dweck discusses a summary of the concept, a deeper level of understanding was reached.

The following question was posed to the groups...

A huge amount of discussion followed with many ideas flowing. There was clear agreement that here at Rossett, we do many things that naturally underpin a growth mindset, particularly in regards to our 3Rs culture. To build on these ideas, a help sheet was provided with 10 key aspects to a growth mindset. These included:

  1. Challenge for all
  2. Knowledge requirements
  3. Set themselves long term goals
  4. Make re-drafting normal
  5. Share excellence
  6. Praise effort
  7. Make feedback manageable and meaningful
  8. Model it and practice it
  9. Ask lots of questions
  10. Use academic language 

Staff carried out some self-reflection and highlighted which areas they currently do within all lessons and which areas are lacking in lessons and could be improved. The idea of the growth mindset reveals that actually all of these aspects should be present in order to stimulate a positive growth mindset in our students. Staff agreed to work on these particular areas whilst ensuring the areas they already do well are maintained. They completed the following sheet after deciding which class they would like to develop good practice in and experiment further with this holistic concept. 
Furthermore, through a positive atmosphere of collaboration and sharing of good practice, it was agreed that as a TLC group, supportive peer observations would be undertaken to support each other in the success of this CPD. A great start to the new academic year!

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