Tuesday 2 September 2014

TLC 1 - Providing Challenge to promote Resilience

The first TLC of the year was a brief introduction into the focus area of 'providing challenge to promote resilience'. The first activity to get staff members warmed up and ready to go was a solo taxonomy starter, an example of how challenge can be incorporated into lessons. The idea is to set tasks at different levels so students can approach them dependent on their ability. This example involved profiteroles! The first solo station starts with an image and a question, I.e. What are they? The second station then progresses to a definition and the type of pastry involved with making profiteroles and so on and so forth and dependent upon ability, students and in this case, staff, can progress accordingly.

The aim of the first meet was to gauge what staff do to promote challenge in their lessons and then discuss and share ideas and research new ones following links and suggestions given from the Challenge TLC leaders. Our aim was to ensure that the Challenge TLC members commit to 3 Challenge strategies to incorporate into their lessons before TLC 2. TLC 2 will enable the TLC members to reflect on the success or the failure of the strategies tried within lessons and share good practice between each other.

Examples of the activities from Challenge TLC 1:

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