Monday 1 September 2014

Tour of TLC 1 - 2014-15

This year the TLC programme has split. All staff will complete two cycles with each with a different focus. 

TLC 1 is an opportunity for staff to be introduced into their chosen area for instance “improving quality of 6th form teaching”. Triad cross-curricular groups will have the opportunity to research and plan new ways that their focus can be improved to have impact upon learning. 

As usual I ( David West, Leadership Secondment as a Lead Teacher ) will take a tour of the TLCs and report in this post what is happening. My aim is not to provide a overview of each TLC (this will be done by each of the TLC leaders after the session) but to provide a snapshot of what is being discussed and the activities being undertaken in the time I am in each TLC.

Technology/ipads to promote student responsibility.
As I arrived staff were using QR codes to read blogs and searching for the benefits and drawbacks of technology and thinking about how they could apply what they have read to their own practice.

As I arrived later on staff were setting targets for the next TLC and posting these on Edmodo. The importance of personalising the targets was emphasised to ensure that the whole group of staff had the chance to make progress against their target.

Consistent use of feedback/DIRT to improve student reflectiveness.
As I visited this TLC staff were discussing what effective marking looks like in their lessons and what the potential pitfalls can be. I witnessed a really interesting debate on what sixth form students do with the feedback they have received and how to maximise the impact of the time spent marking.

Staff then looked at a matrix of marking and tried to work out which piece of feedback fitted which element of the matrix.

Providing challenge to promote resilience.
Using a starter to differentiate the group staff then used solo taxonomy to look at the their current practice and to think about what they hope to get out of the session.

Progress for all (particular PP)
As I arrived in this TLC staff were discussing how a focus on pupil progress can help pupil premium students. One group talked about the importance of treating students as individuals and having the correct information to hand to help work with them in a more directed way. Another talked about making up for a potential lack of support at home. 

Improve independence and responsibility through 6th form teaching.
As I arrived in this group they were looking at some sixth form student voice. The staff then looked at potential surprises and how the results of the student voice could effect their lessons. The importance of personalising learning within a mixed ability classroom was raised.
Staff then looked at some potential ideas of how sixth form work could be developed and whether these ideas could work in their lessons.

Overall Reflections
The atmosphere within the TLCs was excellent. Staff were sharing good practice and listening to ideas and thinking about how they could incorporate them into their own lessons. For the first morning of the new term it was incredible.

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