Thursday, 21 November 2013

TLC session 3- Feedback- Richard/Michaela

TLC session 3- Feedback- Richard/Michaela

We started with a game of bingo to connect the session and link back to what we have worked on in the previous sessions. Each TLC memember filled their bingo card with different forms of feedback and then the bingo caller (TLC leader) called out descriptions of how different feedback can be used, and the TLC members had to tick off any methods of feedback that would be suitable. I.e. This method could be used to give oral feedback whilst editing a photo of a pupil's work...The answer could be Educreations. Of course, there was the possibility of more than one answer but the point of the task was to recap the different forms of feedback and their uses in a fun way with a sweet prize for the winner...chocolate (always a winner)!

We also refreshed people's minds regarding DR ICE and the key ideas behind it. Feedback from the group showed that they found this useful and it helped them think about how their feedback can be used to "cover a lot of areas" and how they "feel inspired" to achieve the DR ICE principles in the future.

The TLC memebers fedback that they most enjoyed "sharing their presentations and getting feedback from colleagues about what they could do to further improve". As there was enough time allocated to sharing what we had done and giving feedback and suggestions, people said they got a lot out of this part of the session. Having enough time to really share ideas and talk about how things had gone was something that coleagues had commented on last year and therefore allowing enough for sharing in this year's sessions has proven to be popular.

Following the 3 sessions in our individual groups, we would like to think that the colleagues in our group will be able to gain and impart inspiration and motivation when they go on to work with other colleagues and that they will continue to use the various methods of feedback to improve teaching and learning. Here's some of the feedback we received:

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